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Llamamiento a contribuciones (Call for papers)

Libro sobre «Amenazas a la paz y la seguridad internacional: Asia vs Occidente»

31 de mayo de 2022

El Centro Internacional de los Conflictos Armados (CICA), en el que el académico Juan Cayón ocupa la vicepresidencia, ha emitido un «Llamamiento a contribuciones» para, tras la apropiada revisión por pares, formar parte de un libro que publicará la prestigiosa editorial Springer.

El asunto, de gran actualidad y relevancia, trata de los riesgos actuales de la nueva situación geopolítica y, en particular de la amenaza a la paz y la seguridad internacional que supone la actual confrontación entre Asia y Occidente, no solo por la disputa por la hegemonía en la región entre China y EE. UU., sino por la trascendencia humana, social y económica del desplazamiento geoestratégico al área del Asia-Pacifico.

Dado el interés académico que tiene el asunto, recogemos esta información en nuestra página web para que todos los académicos interesados en el tema puedan participar en tan atractiva empresa.

Los interesados pueden confirmar su participación al coeditor: juan@cayon.es antes del 20 de junio.



Actual risks in a New Geopolitical Situation

Dear colleagues and friends, we inform you about a possible submission of manuscripts for a coming book, which will tentatively be edited by Springer, as we have done after previous editions of CICA.

As you know Springer is a trusted scientific publishing house with worldwide reach, and our cooperation with them dates back to the middle of last decade, being very satisfactory for both parties. If you want to contribute in this endeavour, we would be grateful if you could confirm your contribution to me as co-editor (juan@cayon.es), soon -before June 20th- communicating tentative title and a few lines of abstract.

We do remember you that, far from being be a conference proceeding volume, we want a real book on an interesting topic such as on THREATS FOR PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY: ASIA vs WEST. Actual risks in a New Geopolitical Situation, which would be quite close to what we have analized during our last LIX CICA.

Assuming Springer accepts total or partially our Book Proposal, we will be back to the selected tentative authors asking for a 15-to-20 pages long manuscript in English by the end of October.

As it is the case in papers submitted to other scientific journals, before the final approval or rejection by the Publisher, previously blind referees will judge not only about their scientific level, but also about it’s appropriateness within the general topic of the book. And for those of you who are not English native speakers, we would strongly stress the convenience of passing it through a professional proof reader to avoid not only charging you its consequent expenses, but also a subsequent delay of its publication.

We hope to be able to submit to the Publisher the final manuscript before the end of the year for its approval, in order to have the book ready in one year from now. If you need additional details, you can always contact us.

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